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Alphonse from Massapequa,ny 11758 writes

Can CB D-Foam be used to kill and control cave crickets?

we will get cave (camel) crickets sometime in July, Aug., or Sept.. Last year I caught (killed) over 75 of these creatures in my basement and playroom with sticky stuff. I would like to rid them before they infiltrate into living areas. i used niban fg bait last year with little effect.


CB-D foam probably would not be the best choice for cricket control because of the small number of places where it can be applied. You should consider using a product such as D-Force HPX in all the cracks and crevices around the perimeter of the room indoors including door frames, window frames and places where pipes, wires or cables enter through the walls. Outdoors you can use a product called Essentria IC3 to spray the same kind of areas you sprayed indoors (window frames, door frames, places where cables, pipes or wires enter into the structure) and any other crack or crevice where the crickets may be able to gain entry and you can also spray all around the base of your foundation and out onto the ground to help eliminate the crickets before they come close to your home.

Answer last updated on: 05/16/2012

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CB D-Foam

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