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Raquel from Colcester, Vt writes

Can Crossbow Herbicide get rid of tiger day lilies?

I dug out a large bed of tiger lilies and planted nicer ones where I thought I had cleaned the tiger ones last fall. Now I see the tiger ones reemerging in a few spots. Can I apply this product to get ride of the tiger ones and would it affect the nicer lilies I planted next to them?


Crossbow Herbicide can injure the desirable tiger lilies if contact is make with them through spraying/drift.  It is not labeled to control them so would not be recommended for that purpose.  The best option for spot treating in beds is a non selective herbicide such as Avenger or RoundUp QuikPro, taking care to avoid spraying the ones you don’t want controlled, or you can hand-pull.  

Answer last updated on: 04/15/2019

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Helena Crossbow Herbicide

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