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Michelle from Zionsville, In writes

Can Drain Fly Kit be used in a toilet bowl?

I came home from a 10 day vacation only to find drain fly larvae (about 20-60) in the toilet bowl of an upstairs bathroom that is seldom used. I did notice a small fly in the hall by this bathroom before going on vacation, but didn't think anything about it. Of course, I was very concerned when I saw the surprise waiting for me upon my return. Following my first instinct I took a picture of it & then flushed the toilet. I also flushed bleach down the toilet. I haven't seen any more flies, but I don't want to take any chances. Could they be coming up from the toilet drain or did they just lay their larvae in the toilet bowl (due to the stagnant water)? Prior to this event, I hadn't noticed any flies in other areas of the house. I want to put an end to this before it gets out of control. Please advise!!!


You can use DF5000 in the toilet bowl and in the toilet tank. Most likely the flies were introduced from outside and did not come up through the drains. Be sure to scrub the toilet and then add the drain gel. Let sit over night and flush. Repeat as necessary.

Answer last updated on: 12/28/2011

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