Product Q&A

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Sandra from Sacramento writes

Can Halo 75WDG Select Herbicide be used to treat nutgrass within 5ft of citrus trees? Will it effect the current fruit crop?


Halo 75WDG Select Herbicide is not labeled safe to be applied around ornamentals, flowers, shrubs, trees, fruits, vegetables, citrus or any edibles. Please use precautions if treating around citrus trees by avoiding spraying on windy days, do not spray weeds or roots within and under the tree canopy and spray away from the trees root line to avoid these injuries to your trees and fruit crop.   Per the product label, “avoid contact of the spray containing this product to desirable flowers, ornamentals, shrubs or trees as discoloration, severe foliar injury or death may result."

Answer last updated on: 08/16/2021

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Halo 75WDG Select Herbicide

Halo 75WDG Select Herbicide


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