Product Q&A

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Sheryl from North Alabama writes

Can leaves still breathe and flowers still open properly after application of Sevin Ready to Spray Insect Killer?

I was away for a week and come home to find bad black aphid infestation (some white also) on my eggplant and wintering squash plants. I immediately sprayed them all very well top and under leaves. Perhaps too well. The elephants are now stuck all over everything is this bad for the plants? I know the stickiness helps the product stay on the plants but should I water the the leaves well, or will they be fine?


You can use Sevin Ready to Spray Insect Killer on ornamental plants, including flowering plants. It can be used on eggplant and squash as well. You do not need to drench the plants, and you can water regularly 24 hours after application.

Answer last updated on: 10/01/2019

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