Product Q&A

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Thomas from Montgomery, Al writes

Can I mix Specticle Flo with Prodiamine(barricade) in the same tank application?

Wanting to put barricade out at the 10 oz rate and Specticle Flo at the 3 oz rate would like to save time and apply both herbicides in the same application. Is there any compatibility issues?


Prodiamine 65WDG may be tank mixed with certain other EPA-registered herbicides such as Specticle FLO to provide a broader spectrum of weed control or to control emerged weeds. Refer to the specific directions for use for tank mix partners and consult the label(s) of the individual tank mix partner(s) for use rate, application timing, weeds controlled, and specific precautions and/or restrictions. Tank mixes are permitted only in states where the tank mix partner(s) are registered for the application site and the turf and ornamental species listed. When using Prodiamine 65WDG in a tank mixture with other pesticides, observe the most restrictive label limitations and precautions on the labels of the products used.  Before tank mixing with other pesticides not named on this label, compatibility must be tested as directed on the product label

Answer last updated on: 03/10/2020

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