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Maurice writes

Can MSM Turf Herbicide be used to kill quackgrass in kentucky blue grass?


MSM Turf Herbicide is not labeled to treat quackgrass.  Unfortunately, we do not currently carry any products that are labeled for quackgrass that are safe for use in your Kentucky Blue grass. We would recommend spot treating with something like Roundup QuikPRO and reseeding the areas. Becareful to avoid getting the product on desirable grass. If most of the lawn has been affected by quackgrass, the only sure fire way to get rid of it is to spray the entire lawn with Roundup. Spray when the lawn is growing actively, preferably in the spring. The treatment will kill the lawn grass as well as the quackgrass. After about two weeks, you may begin the replanting.

Answer last updated on: 08/17/2018

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MSM Turf Herbicide

MSM Turf Herbicide

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