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Okie from Guthrie, Oklahoma writes

Can Pendulum and Celsius be mixed in the same tank?

Just want to mix once and spray once. I have some sedge I want to kill and get my preemergent down now to prevent more weeds. Also wondering if it's possible to prevent nutsedge?


You could potentially mix multiple herbicides together as long as you have the correct dilution rates for the products and your timing is still accurate. Just remember that you will need to use sufficient volume with pre-emergent herbicides such as Pendulum 3.3 EC to carry the active ingredient into the soil through the thatch of grass. We would also suggest performing a small jar test before mixing a large batch to be sure new mixtures are compatible. Pennant Magnum and Specticle FLO are pre-emergent herbicides that can help prevent nutsedge.

Answer last updated on: 09/09/2016

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Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide

Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide

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