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Tania from Northridge, Ca writes

Can Prodiamine 65 WDG (Generic Barricade) be used on succulents for weed control? I am transition from tall fescue to Ruschia Nana, a succulent ground cover.


Prior to planting Ruschia Nana, it is recommended that all weeds be removed by hand or killed with a non-selective herbicide such as Roundup QuickPro no sooner than 2 weeks before planting Ruschia Nana. If applying a pre emergent such as Prodiamine 65 WDG (Generic Barricade) to prevent weeds from germinating, this should be done months prior to planting as pre emergent residuals generally stay in the soil 3-4 months. 
If Ruschia Nana has already begun to establish, weed control may be done by hand removal or with a hoe or cultivator. Herbicides are generally not recommended as this could also injure the groundcover however Roundup QuickPro can be used and then replug the bare spots after 2 weeks. Removal of weeds when they are small is key and not allowing the weeds to flower which is followed by seeds and will create more weeds weeks later on.  Contact your County Cooperative Extension Office for specific recommendations for your region on any selective herbicides and timing of application information. 

Answer last updated on: 08/25/2021

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