Amanda from Cocoa writes
I have a 2 in 1 Oral Flea Control Capsule for our dogs however they no longer need this due to being on Trifexis and Simparica. My 20lb cat now has fleas so will this make him sick or is it okay to give to him?
We would not advise administering 2 In 1 Monthly Oral Flea Control Capsules for Medium and Large Dogs or any flea medicine that is only labeled for dogs to cats or other animals.
We are not medical professionals and we are not qualified to give medical advice. Please contact your veterinarian as they are more knowledgeable about the active ingredients in this medication and if they would be safe for a cat.
There is a 2 in 1 Monthly Oral Flea Control Capsules for Cats that is designed for cats and for flea control.
Answer last updated on: 03/24/2022