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Pom writes

Can this product be used with Ortho Dial n Spray and at what dial setting per gallon of water?

How many oz., tsp, or tbls per gallon of water? This is to treat annual bluegrass and crabgrass. Thanks


You can use a hose end sprayer to apply this product, but we are not familiar with the Ortho model so we do not know what specifics to give you.  As far as application rates, we wish it was that easy.  Bluegrass and Crabgrass require slightly different treatments and also depend on where you live and what grass you have currently that you are trying keep them out of, which you did not state.  Also, herbicides do not give a water amount.  They only tell you how much of the product to apply over 1000 square feet.  The amount of water is dependent on how ever much water it takes for you to walk 1000 square feet.  Whether you place the amount of product per 1000 square feet in a gallon of water or 10 gallons of water, it does not matter, just as long as that amount of product is distributed over the 1000 square feet.  Since you are treating two different types of grasses, we recommend calling the manufacturer since they are the experts on their own product and could probably give you a more definitive answer than we can.  They should also be able to better help you with the settings on your hose end sprayer.  The manufacturer is Dow Agro and you can reach them at 1-317-337-3000.

Answer last updated on: 05/01/2011

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