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Evgeny from Alva, Fl writes

Can I use Demand EZ in my backpack sprayer as Solo mist blower?

Can I use Demand EZ in my backpack sprayer as Solo mist blower? And what is delusion rate per gallon of water for mosquitos control? Thank you


Yes you can use the Demand EZ in a hand pump sprayer or a powered sprayer like the Solo mist blower. The dilution for mosquitos for the Demand EZ is between .8 and 1.6 ounce per gallon of water. Either one will give you great control, and for further control you may want to consider adding an IGR like NyGuard IGR. NyGuard is birth control for the mosquitoes to help keep them from reproducing faster than you can knock the population back. The NyGuard can be mixed right into the same gallon of water as the Demand EZ at the rate of 4-8ml per gallon.

Answer last updated on: 05/28/2013

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Demand EZ Insecticide

Demand EZ Insecticide


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