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Thomas from Tamaqua, Pa writes

Can I use Fusilade II Herbicide over my established day lilies that have wild strawberries?


You can use Fusilade II Herbicide for over-the-top applications to established daylilies, but Fusilade targets grassy weeds only and will not kill the wild strawberry. Products that will kill the wild strawberry could also potentially harm the daylilies, so you would need to make directed applications, taking care to avoid the desirable plants, or you can remove the strawberry by hand. You could use a non-selective such as RoundUp QuikPro or a broadleaf herbicide such as Fertilome Weed-Out with Trimec for this application, taking care to cover and/or avoid the lilies or other desirable flowers.

Answer last updated on: 12/30/2016

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Fusilade II Herbicide

Fusilade II Herbicide

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