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Travis from Gainesville, Va writes

Can you apply Dimension 2EW Herbicide on snow covered turf?

I currently have snow patches still on the turf, but we're headed into temps into the 60s I. The next couple of days. Would it be a bad idea to spray dimension now and let it work in with the melting of the snow?


You should not apply Dimension 2EW Herbicide or other herbicides while there is snow or ice on the ground. Early spring pre emergents should be applied when the soil temperatures are at an average just under 55 degrees after 3-5 consecutive days. Slightly warmer air temperatues for a day/night or two may not be enough to raise the soil temperatures enough to get the soil warm. You can contact your County Extension Office for exact timing recommendations for your area or check for your current and historical soil temperature online by your zip code using a tool such as Greencast.

Answer last updated on: 02/15/2022

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Dimension 2EW Herbicide

Dimension 2EW Herbicide

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