Product Q&A

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Debbie from Covington writes

Can you use the Fertilome Rooting Powder in a vase of water to start roots?


No, the Fertilome Rooting Powder is not for use in a vase of water, rather in a planting medium such as soil in a container or in the ground. You should select the desired cuttings from your plants, moisten the cuttings, and dip the cutting into the powder. Dip it until the stem is covered up to the point that it will be placed into the soil. Remove any excess powder on the cutting by tapping the plant on the edge of the product container, letting the extra powder fall back into the container. Place the cutting into the desired rooting medium, making sure that the powder isn't rubbed off when inserting. Keep the medium moist until the roots of the cutting have started growing.

Answer last updated on: 04/10/2018

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Ferti-lome Rooting Powder

Ferti-lome Rooting Powder


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