Customer Reviews for Deer Scram Professional

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4.2 of 5 stars
(129 customer reviews)
Deer Scram Professional

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Deer Scram Repellent

    By Ray on 10/20/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Bought the product to protect our forever rose bushes. Made a perimeter around the 7 bushes starting approx. 25 feet away from bushes, made 3 foot wide runs with a 3 foot wide buffer in between (3each, 3 foot wide Deer Scram runs in each buffer) also product was spread around each plant. Used approx. 70% of the Deer Scram for the above. It was not successfull in repelling the deer.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Deer Scram is not working

    By Charles on 06/27/2017

    I've used Deer scram for many years with pretty good results. I ordered a new supply 2 weeks ago and applied it to my roses very generously. Two days later deer had eaten all the new buds and most of the fully open roses. It's not working any more!!!!

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    20 of 20 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    don't purchase

    By Dennis on 07/16/2014

    Have been using Repel All and beds were looking great, Considered a change to "confuse" the deer. RIGHT. within a week of switching the deer have done more damage than the previous three months.

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    13 of 15 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Deer Scram (or is SCAM?)

    By Ben on 06/14/2019

    The deer acted like the product was not even there within hours of it being applied.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Applied day 1, deer munched day 2. Fail

    By Aaron on 06/19/2020

    applied 2/3 bucke (iow, I applied heavily) to grass to protect 60 foot long flower bed as directed, but next night deer came and ate that flower bed. Fail. Disappointed.

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    6 of 6 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    this is funny

    By George on 06/20/2019

    My brother had great result with this product so I gave it a try, Saturated my hosta bed with it and made sure every leaf had Deer Scram on it The next morning I looked out to see the deer mowing down my hosta bed as if the Deer Scram was their favorite condiment... the deer love the smeel so much they have started bedding down in the ground cover next to my devestated hosta bed....ZERO STARS

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    4 of 4 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Deer still here

    By Joe on 09/18/2021

    Used Deer Scram as directed and it didn't keep the deer from eating, lilac bushes, azalea bush and even zinnias. At $100 a bucket it was definitely an expensive let down.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By Tom on 07/30/2017

    Product should be renamed to DeerScam

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    1 of 2 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    a waste of money

    By Hal on 03/19/2020

    I bought this product in an effort to protectmy plants from being eaten by the deer that visit my property. I have spread an excess amount on the ground. My most recent efforts were three days ago. The deer returned and two large rhodedenrum have been ravaged so just a few leaves remain. I wasted time and a lot of money. I will seek another product.

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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Didn't work

    By Kelly on 07/17/2020

    My neighbor swears by this stuff but the deer kept coming back and destroyed hydrangea - so I had to move the plant to fenced in backyard, was an expensive lesson, if deer want to eat it they will put up with the bad smell

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Did not slow down the deer at all

    By Cathy on 12/02/2022

    The deer ate my plants without missing a step. I used the product as directed and using a trail cam, saw no reduction in in their presence in my flower garden. I am a professional flower grower and the deer found my plants for the first time in 20 years. I was hoping deer scram was a solution but it did not work for me.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By Patrick on 02/15/2023

    Verified Purchase

    The deer were eating my tomatoes like crazy. I previously used liquid fence and it did a decent job but they got used to it. Laid this stuff down per directions and it was a complete failure. It was like it wasn't even there

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    No for me

    By Hal on 08/09/2023

    Verified Purchase

    The didn't work to keep the deer away, They still ate my shrubs.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Deer Scram Professional product

    By Linh on 05/24/2024

    The product does not work for my flower beds. My newly planted rhododendrons got eaten down to bare branches no matter how much I put the product around the plants.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By Hal on 06/20/2024

    Verified Purchase

    No matter how many times I spread this product the deer kept eating and destroying my plants,

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Total waste of money

    By Cj on 11/30/2024

    I don’t know where all these good reviews come from but they’re a lie. I applied this product on a Thursday and I feel like the deer stayed away for a few days. Then we had a medium rain. The deer are back like I sprinkled corn all over my yard. They’re back 24/7 almost. For as much as this stuff cost, you’d think it could hold up to rain better/longer than something you can buy at Lowe’s for 1/16 of the price. I’m sorry but this stuff is worthless.

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