Docket DF-General Daconil Fungicide is not labeled for use on residential lawns.
The mixing ratio for Docket DF on commercial turf for prevention is 1.8-3.25 oz per 1000 square feet. This will mix in a gallon of water. For curative, the mixing ratio is 3.07-5.03 oz. per 1000 square feet. This will be mixed in one gallon of water as well.
When using Docket DF it would depend on what you are treating for as to what the proper dilution ratio would be. You can use anywhere from 1.8 to 5.3 per 1000 sq ft per the product label depending on what disease you are treating for. Please reference that label to be sure that you are getting the correct amount of product for your specific application.
These products are not labeled for applications to treat spruces in residential areas. The only product that we do carry that does not say it cannot be used on blue spruce for needlecast is the Clearys Spectro. Please be aware that just because it the product can still bleach the trees which is the problem with most products when using on blue spruce.
No, Docket DF - Generic Daconil Fungicide does not contain a surfactant. In fact the manufacturer states not to use any surfactants in conjuction with this product. The product label states, "Do not combine Docket DF with Dipel®, Latron B-1956® or Latron AG-98®, horticultural oil, and products containing xylene as phytotoxicity may result from the combination when applied to some species on this label". Please refer to the product label for more details about application rates and mix ratios for this product.
No, we would not recommend using Docket DF - Generic Daconil Fungicide in a hose end sprayer; it will likely clog it.
Yes, Docket DF - Generic Daconil Fungicide may be applied to wet/damp grass. If you have had a decent amount of recent rainfall we would suggest waiting till the soil dries out a bit before making an application.
Docket DF - Generic Daconil Fungicide is not labeled to be used on Weeping Willow trees. We would recommend a product like Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide that is labeled for use on Willow trees. We would also recommend having the tree examined first by a trained arborist. The arborist will be able to tell you what type of disease/fungus the tree has and whether or not it can be saved.
The manufacturer of Docket DF - Generic Daconil Fungicide states it can only be applied to the following: Sod farms (including commercial seed production farms); ornamental nurseries and greenhouses; conifers (nursery beds, Christmas tree and bough production plantations, and tree seed orchards); almond, apricot, cherry, filbert, nectarine, peach, pistachio, plum and prune trees. It is also for use in golf courses, on lawns around commercial (nonresidential) and industrial buildings, and on professional and collegiate athletic fields. We are only a retail distributor, we do not manufacturer any products. We would recommend contacting the manufacturer Syngenta at 1-866-796-4368.
Docket DF - Generic Daconil Fungicide is not labeled for Dothistroma Needle Blight so we cannot recommend it for this use. This disease is also not common this time of year so we would recommend making sure the disease has been correctly identified. It does appear that copper fungicides can be used as a preventative. There is a great guide by University of Kentucky here that can help.
Neither the Docket DF or the Daconil Ultrex can be used on residential turf grass. They are both labeled for turf disease control on commercial turf, such as golf courses, on professional and collegiate atheletic fields and around industrial buildings.
Yes, Docket DF can be used on evergreen and pine trees. This product is just a fungicide so it will not kill pests, just the types of fungus listed on the label. We would recommend finding out what disease you are treating for so that we can assist with the specific ratio that should be used per tree.
Docket DF - Generic Daconil Fungicide is not labeled to treat Peach Leaf Curl. Bonide makes Fung-onil Concentrate and Copper Liquid Fungicide Concentrate or Dust that is labeld to be used on Peach Leaf Curl.
Fung-onil Application instructions: Page 9 of Product label; Mix 3 3/4 tsp per application with 4 gallons of water. Apply at leaf fall in late autumn. When conditions favor high disease levels apply once or twice more in mid to late winter befor budswell. * Do not apply after shuck split. Please follow label instructions.
Copper Liquid: Page 7 of product label ; Mix .5-2.0 fl oz with 1 gallon of water. Use suffient water to ensure good coverage, including tops and bottoms of leaves. For best control, begin treatment 2 weeks before disease normally appears. Use the higher rate at the minimum application interval following heavy rain or when the amount of disease is increasing rapidly. If possible, time applications so that 12 hours of dry weather follow application. Apply as a dormant spray in late fall to before bud break. Repeat application every 7-10 days if necessry.