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Dano from Hannibal, Mo writes

Does Talstar P (Talstar One) mix with any other insecticide for a quick knockdown?

I have been seeing Japanese beetles become more resistant to Talstar P.


Talstar P (Talstar One) is labeled for Japanese Beetles and you can add a product such as Exciter for a quick knockdown for insects.  Rotating insecticides is a good idea to prevent resistance, but this normally takes years to happen. Some customers rotate every year or when they start to notice the product may not be working as well as it did at first.  It would not hurt to use another active ingredient for your next treatment. It is important that you treat for the insect larvae, the grubs. Dylox 6.2 would be an excellent alternative when treating for grubs that are actively feeding. Please read the product label for application instructions.  Arena GranulesMerit Granules or Dominion 2L will work well as a preventative if applied prior to egg hatch. You should check with your local cooperative extension office and speak to the master gardener on staff to establish the best time to put down a preventative treatment in your region. Please take a few moments to review our article on Grub Control also.

Answer last updated on: 01/30/2018

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