Product Q&A

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Carl from Clovis, Ca writes

Does this product come as a liquid? If not, how many gallons of water for a 2 ounce packet?

Is this product safe for use on orchids for control of thrips?


No, this product does not come as a liquid. The amount of water used with this product depends on what you are treating for. If you are treating for thrips, you will use 8 oz. of solution in 100 gallons of water. This product is for use in an enclosed greenhouse only. If you are not treating in a greenhouse, I would recommend Adonis 2F Termiticide/Insecticide. This is a liquid and is easier to use. For orchids, you will use .46 to .6 fl oz of solution in nothing less than 2 gallons of water.

Answer last updated on: 06/11/2014

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Overture 35 WP Insecticide

Overture 35 WP Insecticide


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