Product Q&A

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Dan writes

Does this product or alike come in smaller quantities?

I want a product to stunt growth (not kill) on the football field striping. I would use it in the paint to cut down on the number of applications for the season. Thank You.


Two alternatives to the Primo MAXX Plant Growth Regulator would be Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator or  Edgeless Turf Grass Regulator . The label does not indicate if either of these products can be mixed with "field" paint, so separate treatments might be necessary. Edgeless Turf Grass Regulator does indicate you can add a turf indicator to the product to help mark where you have applied. We recommend contacting the manufacturer's directly for further information. Edgeless Turf Grass Regulator - SePRO at 800-419-7779 Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator - PBI Gordon 800-821-7925    

Answer last updated on: 07/25/2014

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