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Debra from Dodge City writes

Dormant or Active growth - for Bermuda control. ? If i use Tenacity as PreEmg for early weeds in Buffalo grass

I'm wanting to use it for pre and Post emergent. is that possible? My Delima is how to Kill the bermuda grass in buffalo Lawn and keep the spring weed down. I'm not sure if an early spring application for weeds will be useful on the bermuda that is encroaching from neighboring lawns. Its March 13 and the buffalo is still dormant - and other weed grass is just coming out of dormancy. I dont think the Bermuda is out of dormancy just yet. so If i use it now (I'd like to for the broad leaf controll and fox tails) but I guess i want to know if I'll need to do it again for the Bermuda in May when it has more growth on.? and if i do that will this 2nd application be too much for the Buffalo. Thanks for your help.


You can use Tenacity in Buffalograss as a pre-emergent or as a post-emergent. However, keep in mind that Tenacity really should be used as a stand-alone pre-emergent only when you are planning to overseed or seed a new lawn and not on already established grasses. Tenacity is not going to harm Bermudagrass that is dormant, and it is not labeled to kill Bermudagrass at any time, only that growing Bermuda may be sensitive to it. You can reapply Tenacity after at least 2-3 weeks for post-emergent control of listed weeds. Unfortunately, we do not have a product labeled to control Bermuda grass in desirable buffalograss. You will likely need to spot treat while the Bermuda is in transition during spring and fall using a non-selective such as RoundUp QuikPro.

Answer last updated on: 03/13/2020

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