The specific mix rates for Drexel Imitator Plus are determined by the weeds you are targeting. For annual weeds, it is recommended to apply at 1.33 fl oz per gallon of water and for perennial weeds or harder to kill weeds, the recommended rate is 2.66 fl oz per gallon of water.
Please review the full product label for the specific weeds beting targeted and refer to the Handheld and High Volume Equipment Section on page 3 for more helpful information.
Yes, Drexel Imitator Plus can be used around blueberries and boxwoods as directed per the product label.
For blueberries in the Berries & Small Fruits Section (page 13), apply as a preplant broadcast application or as a directed spray or wiper application, postplanting. For small Fruits and Berries, allow a minimum of 14 days between last application and harvest.
For Boxwoods (page 9), this shoud be applied as a post directed spray acceptable his is a nonselective herbicide and will kill any vegetation.
Areas that have been treated with Drexel Imitator Plus can be reseeded 2 weeks after application. Please view the full product label for more information.
The mix rate for Drexel Imitator Plus is 0.66 fl oz to 13 fl oz per gallon of water. Please refer to page 3 of the product label for the weeds you are targeting.
Areas that have been treated with Drexel Imitator Plus can be reseeded 2 weeks after application.
You should not mow treated areas for 2-3 days after application of Drexel Imitator Plus
You should store Drexel Imitator Plus and other similar pesticides in an area out of direct sunlight and extreme temperatures (below freezing or above 90 degrees consistently), and out of reach of children and pets. The shelf life of the product is 2-3 years when stored correctly.
How much Drexel Imitator Plus you apply will depend on the size area you are treating and the target plants. If you are spot treating for annual grassy and broadleaf weeds, then you can use 2 oz per gallon of water for most applications. Drexel Imitator Plus should be mixed at 4-6 oz per gallon of water for hard to treat weeds. Typically, one gallon of finished solution covers about 1000 sq ft. Please refer to the product label for full application instructions.
Drexel Imitator Plus uses the same active ingredient as RoundUp - 41% Glyphosate which kills anything that is sprayed directly including grasses. It was not labeled for use in pastures.
You can use from 0.5 to 13 oz per gallon when using the Drexel Imitator Plus. Lower rates will be for smaller annual weeds, and higher rates are for more difficult plants like woody plants and vines. It is non-selective, so it will kill anything sprayed directly per the product label instructions.
It is recommended when applying Drexel Imitator Plus, or any herbicide, that you use it only when soil temperatures are 55 degrees or higher consistently. If soil temperatures are all over the place due to weather fluctuations as we are coming out of winter and into spring, then you may see spotty results, or may want to wait until further into the season when temperatures are higher.
According to the product label of Drexel Imitator Plus, "Do not apply to vegetation in or around ditches, canals or ponds containing water to be used for irrigation." The label also states, "Remove domestic livestock before application and wait 8 weeks after application before grazing or harvesting." Please be sure to review the full product label for more information and complete application instructions. If you are treating an irrigation area, you will need to use a product specifically labeled for aquatic use.
For best results, Drexel Imitator Plus should be stored in a cool dry environment out of extreme freezing or hot temperatures. If the product was exposed to freezing temps, it is possible it has lost its efficacy.
Applications using Drexel Imitator Plus should be done when the undesirable plants are young and just beginning to grow when possible. Temperatures need to be over 60 degrees and under 85 degress for best results.
Please refer to the product label for Drexel Imitator Plus for use rates for the specific type of thistle you are targeting, as there are various types listed.
Drexel Imitator Plus should be used wen temperatures are between 65-85 degrees.
Per the product label, when using Drexel Imitator Plus in a pasture, after a broadcast application you will need to wait up to 8 weeks to allow livestock to graze again. If you're going to spot treat, you will need to wait up to 14 days to let your livestock graze in the treated areas.
Drexel Imitator Plus is labeled for roundup ready crops including soybeans. You should avoid contact with anything desirable that is not RoundUp Ready as it could injure them.
Per the product label, Drexel Imitator Plus can be used for Pasture or Hay crop renovation: When applied as a broadcast spray, this product controls the annual and perennial weeds listed in this label prior to planting forage grasses or legumes. Remove domestic livestock before application and wait 8 weeks after application before grazing or harvesting.
Drexel Imitator Plus is pet safe if used as directed, but the product label does not specify anything about wild bird safety. In regards to domestic animals the label states, "This product is considered to be relatively nontoxic to dogs and other domestic animals; however, ingestion of this product or large amounts of freshly sprayed vegetation may result in temporary gastrointestinal irritation (vomiting, diarrhea, colic, etc.)".
You may wish to contact the manufacturer Drexel directly at (901) 774-4370, or via email at [email protected] with specific product questions not addressed on the label.