There is no time restriction for seeding bermudagrass after applying Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer per the product label. It can take 6 weeks to kill weeds so it would be recommended to wait that long to aerate so the weeds can absorb the product fully.
Per the product label it is not recommend to use a dish detergent with Drive XLR8. When using Drive XLR8, it is recommended that you use a methylated seed oil to apply the product with. Our Dyneamic surfactant has methylated seed oil and is recommended to apply with Drive XLR8.
Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer will not harm established Tall Fescue. It can harm Fine Fescue and also potentially Dallisgrass.
When using Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer the active ingredient quinclorac has dissipation values that can range from 60 to over 500 days. Because quinclorac does not bind well to soil, some dissipation noted in field testing could be due to chemical testing. The persistence hazard of qunclorac is rated high (likely to take over 60 days to degrade to half of the applied concentration). We would recommend waiting an entire season before any grazing took place on the area that was treated for this reason.
When using Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer we recommend using a surfactant, and so does the manufacturer on the product label. They recommend using a methylated seed oil, and our recommendation for that is Prime Source Duo Stick.
Only when Drive XLR8 is being applied to established creeping bentgrass is the rate different than for other turfgrasses as listed on the product label. Otherwise the rate is 1.45 fl oz/1000 sqft. The product is absorbed by foliage and roots and is translocated throughout the plant. It should not harm mature trees or desirable plants when used as directed. Generally if you can it is best to use separate sprayers for herbicides and insecticides but if you use the same be sure to triple rinse the sprayer thoroughly have each application of such.
Drive XLR8 Herbicide is not labeled for use in St. Augustine grass. It will kill your lawn.
We would recommend using Blindside Herbicide WDG. It is safe for use in St. Augustine grass and will eliminate actively growing crabgrass. You will use 0.15 - 0.23 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft.
You could use any non-ionic surfactant with Drive XLR8 Herbicide, however the manufacturer recommends to use a methylated seed oil (MSO) surfactant for best results with this active ingredient. Prime Source Duo Stick is an MSO surfactant that would work well with this herbicide.
It is advised to wait at least 3-4 days after an application of an herbicde like Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer before mowing your turf. You should mow 3 days prior to applying and wait an additional 3 days after application before mowing again.
The product label for Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer states that buffalograss is highly tolerable to the product and can be applied at anytime before, during or after seeding/overseeding/sprigging.
The active ingrident in Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer is Quinclorac at 18.92%.
Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer can be applied to Bermuda lawns for treating listed weeds. The product could injure the St. Augustine but we cannot confirm full eradication as it is not intended to eliminate this turf species.
In a 40 gallon tank you would add 64 oz of Drive XLR8 and 10 oz of methylated seed oil surfactant, and this should just about cover 1 acre. Keep in mind that it is most important to use the correct amount of product for the area you are treating, rather than an exact amount of water.
Depending on the type of fescue you have, Drive XLR8 Herbicide can be used at the time of seeding. If you are overseeding with fine fescue, it is recommended that you use Drive XLR8 at least 7 days before seeding or 28 days after emergence of the new seed. If you are overseeding with tall fescue, Drive XLR8 can be used at any time. We do recommend using an MSO surfactant with this product as well. Please check the label for complete application instructions.