Duke Traps Heavy Duty Large Raccoon and Fox Trap (1114) is made of 14 Gauge wire.
Duke Traps Heavy Duty Large Raccoon and Fox Trap (1114) could possibly catch a small coyote but we would recommend instead one of the traps listed here for coyotes which are larger.
The Duke Traps Heavy Duty Large Raccoon and Fox Trap (1114) has loops on the door and frame that hold it closed.
The Duke Trap Heavy Duty Large Raccoon and Fox Trap (1114) is a humane live cage trap for Raccoons, Foxes and Cats. We recommend the Tomahawk Original Series #109 as it is a rigid live trap with two trap doors designed to catch bobcats, fox, coyotes and similar sized animals.
The Duke Traps Heavy Duty Large Raccoon and Fox Trap (1114) only has one door for catch and release. We do sell other traps which have two doors, such as one door for trapping and one for easy release. You could use a trap like this one from Tomahawk which has a separate rear sliding door for releasing the animal caught in the trap.
Duke Traps Heavy Duty Large Raccoon and Fox Trap (1114)? could possibly catch a small coyote but we would recommend instead? the Tomahawk Original Series #109 ? as it is a rigid live trap with two trap doors designed to catch bobcats, fox, coyotes and similar sized animals. Please also look at the traps listed here for coyotes which are larger.
The Duke Traps Heavy Duty Large Raccoon and Fox Trap (1114) features a mesh cage and a steel rod drop door that makes is sturdy and large enought to hold a fox. We also recommend the Tomahawk Original Series #109 as it is a rigid live trap with two trap doors designed to catch bobcats, fox, coyotes and similar sized animals and is also considered to be heavy duy and srong enough to hold them.
Duke Traps Heavy Duty Large Raccoon and Fox Trap (1114) could possibly catch a groundhog but we would recommend using one like Tomahawk Extra Large trap for Raccoons and Groundhogs (109SS).
The Duke Traps Heavy Duty Large Raccoon & Fox Trap (1114) does not list otters as a target trap animal. However, any animal that could fit into this cage trap with it's dimensions of 37 in L x 16 in. W x 15 in. H could potentially be trapped. You may wish to contact your local state agency or department of agriculture for further questions about trapping specific animals in your region.