Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide cannot be used as a soil drench, according to the manufacturer. They recommend that you use Eagle 20EW as a foliar spray or topically on the soil.
If stored in a cool dry area, Eagle 20EW will last up to 3 years.
The Eagle 20EW Specialty Herbicide should not be used when temperatures are above 85 degrees or lower than 55. You will want to treat in the evening or early in the morning if temperatures are very hot during the day.
We recommend to rotate fungicides every 3 applications. We recommend to apply two times Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide and then rotate with another like Clearys 3336F.
Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide would not need to be reapplied if there was at least a few hours of no rain after application.
Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide is a concentrate that has to be mixed with water. Therefore, addtional watering is not required.
It is recommended to wait 2 days to mow after applying Eagle 20EW.
The Eagle 20EW product label recommends that you use 6-10 fl. oz./acre in 100 gallons of water to treat black rot on grapes. This breaks down to 0.06 to 0.1 fl. oz. per gallon of water.
Myclobutanil, the active ingredient in Eagle 20EW, is non-toxic to bees.
Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide should be applied and dried prior to rainfall. You should check the forecast and apply when you are not expecting any rain within at least 24 hours after application for the best results. If the product had ample drying time, it is possible that your application will still be effective.
Using products that contain Myclobutanil or Triadimefon have shown to have great results. Otherwise, cutting away infected areas of the flax lily can help halt or slow the spread of disease and allow the plant to recover more quickly. If several plants are infected, you can collect the cuttings in a plastic trash bag as you go, but disinfect the pruning clippers between plants and take the cuttings out of the yard before destroying them. Pruning nearby plants to improve sunlight penetration to the flax lily can help the plant's leaves dry more quickly after rainfall. Many plant pathogens, such as leaf rust, appear following heavy rains.