Natural & Organic Fertilizers for Lawn & Garden

Fertilizers add nutrients to lawns and gardens, producing healthier, greener lawns. Our selection of natural and organic fertilizers use natural materials to give lawns an extra boost of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Extra nutrients will help lawns survive harsh weather, fight disease, and grow more than unfertilized lawns. 

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An organic 1-0-2 fertilizer that promotes growth for strong and healthy flowers, gardens, shrubs and trees.
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A liquid plant supplement with natural calcium, magnesium and humic acid which is horticulturally designed for indoor and outdoor plants, hydroponics and soil gardening.
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A gentle yet powerful fertilizer made for tomatoes, vegetables, herbs, flowers, and container plants.
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A high performance, dust free organic lawn fertilizer that produces extra thick growth that will green up any lawn.
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A professional natural and organic fertilizer that helps in expanding the soil surface and allows greater access to water and micro-nutrients and contains mycorrhizae fungi.
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An organic fertilizer that is high in nitrogen for a vibrant and healthy plant.
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A professional lawn fertilizer that is 100% natural and organic in an easy-to-use hose end applicator bottle.
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An all natural and organic 4-2-2 plant food for slow, safe and steady feeding of plants.
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An organic-based fertilizer that saves water, solves soil problems, and provides additional iron.
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A perfect mix for transplanting, preparing seed starting soil mixes, and for container-grown flowers, herbs, and vegetables.
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An organic fertilizer formulated as a slightly earthy to a sharp yeasty sourness in order to encourage quick plant development.
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A unique and proprietary blend of beneficial organisms to help palm trees grow strong.
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A natural product that helps promote the quality and structure of the soil without chemical fertilizers.
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A professional OMRI-listed boron fertilizer that is applied as a liquid spray-on to soil and plant foliage.

Need help selecting a fertilizer? Check out our Fertilizer Buyer’s Guide

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We sell professional do it yourself pest control (diy), exterminator and extermination insecticide, pesticide, chemical and bug killer treatment products to spray, eliminate and exterminate pests.

Many of our products are not available in stores such as Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes.