If you have shoots coming out directly from the stump or roots, you can cut the shoot and apply Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer directly to the fresh cut, It’s not labeled to harm your grass but we do not recommend making direct applications. Apply it undiluted to the freshly cut stumps/roots and then use it at either full strength or the highest dilution on any shoots that are coming up around the main stump. This will penetrate further into the root system to kill it out. You may have to cut back new shoots from time to time in the beginning as the Crossbow and Stump Killer products will only kill what has already emerged from the ground, not prevent the new seedlings still below the surface from sprouting up. Over time the stump and root system should die out and eventually break down in the soil.
Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer should not kill your grass but it will harm trees, vines, or ornamental plants.
As long as the Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer is only applied to the trees you need to kill, it will not effect surrounding trees.
Ferti-lome Brush Killer and Stump Killer is rainfast in 24 hours.
Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer is used to control woody plants, vines and broadleaf weed and could be used around your home.
Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer will kill older stumps. We recommend to try and cut/slice into the top of the stumps before application.
Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer is designed to target woody brush, shrubs, trees and broadleaf weeds. It is not chemically designed to target or harm grasses. That being said, any heavy amount of any herbicide that is used in a concentrated area will always have the potential for harming non target plants directly within the vicinity of the treatment area depending on how and where it is used. If there is grass under the plant you wish to kill, you can try making small cuts into the plant and applying the product at the highest concentration or undiluted with a paint brush on the freshly cut surface. This will reduce the risk of it getting on any other desireable vegetation nearby.
You can kill and remove small Chinese tallow trees less than 3 feet tall with a shovel and a saw. If you don't want the tree to come back you should apply a stump-killing herbicide such as Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer to the fresh tree stump. Fertilome Brush Killer and Stump Killer does persist in the soil so if you do treat the soil the manufacturer recommends that you wait 6-8 months before you replant anything in the area.
Yes, a triclopyr product such as Fertilome Brush Killer would be best for treating fresh cuts. You can brush this product full strength (carefully) onto fresh cuts for best results and to create the least amount of risk to your turfgrass.