Ferti-lome Tomato & Pepper Set uses a natural plant hormone (Cytokinin) to promote flowering, increase blossom set and increase fruit yield. It should work well when used as directed on the product label. This hormone promotes cell division, or cytokinesis, in plant roots and shoots.
Ferti-Lome Tomato & Pepper Set RTU can be applied at any time of day. It should be applied in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area.
This is likely a fungus called blossom end rot. We would recommend using Bonide Rot Stop Tomato Blossom End Rot. helps to correct a disorder in plants caused by a lack of calcium. Blossom end rot is visible on the end of the fruit as a sunken brown spot opposite the stem. Use Bonide Rot-Stop Tomato Blossom End Rot to provide the nutritional calcium needed for developing fruit or after periods of heavy rain. This is a ready to use product and can be applied every 5-7 days as needed.
No. Ferti-Lome Tomato & Pepper Set RTU is not an insecticide. This product is used to promote fruit development and blossom set on various fruits and vegetables.
Ferti-Lome Tomato & Pepper Set RTU is safe once dry, if you have any concerns we would recommend contacting your vet for the best advice.
The Fertilome Tomato & Pepper Set RTU is made of naturally occurring plant hormones so it would have no set pre harvest interval. Many customers give 24 hours after last spray before harvesting.