You do not want to water the lawn (or receive any rainfall) within 24 hours of the applicationf of Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone.
After the Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone has dried (usually 2-3 hrsdepending on time of day) it should pose no threat to your dog if he walks in or around treated area even if he eats a bit of grass that has been treated.
Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone cannot be applied to St. Augustine grass during spring green-up (which is the transition period between dormancy and active growth). As long as the St Augustine parts of the lawn are not in this stage it would be safe to use this product on the entire lawn.
Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone is labeled to be safely applied to Bahia grass.
A surfactant increases the absorption, translocation and sticking of insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and liquid fertilizers on plants. Many weeds have a waxy cuticle on the leaves/foliage/stem surfaces that will affect the herbicide application from aborbing thoroughly, the surfactant works as a “sticking agent” to prevent that.
Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone does not mention the use of a surfactant on the product label so we would not recommend to use one. Not all herbicides require a surfactant as they can already contain a slight amount or adding one could reduce selectivity on turf and injure your grass.
The Fertilome Weed Free Zone product label gives very specific instructions based on the type of sprayer you will be using. We recommend you take a few moments to read over the product label to determine how to use the product in the type of sprayer you have selected.
When mixing products together in a hose end sprayer you must use products that have the same dilution rates or separate applications would be recommended. Weed Free Zone may be used in a hose end sprayer as long as your sprayer has the proper dilution setting. However, we are unsure as to whether you may mix the Accel Spreader Sticker with the Weed Free Zone in the hose end sprayer because we do not know the mixing rate for the Accel.
Fertilome Weed Free Zone should be applied when it is not raining and when there is not any rainfall/irrigation within 24 hours of application.
Fertilome Weed Free Zone should only be applied to listed established turgrasses on the product label. It is not suggest to use in areas with desired groundcover.
Fertilome Weed Free Zone should not be applied to trees and should only be used outside the dripline of any tree whether young or mature.
No, it is recommended that you wait at least two days after mowing to apply Fertilome Weed Free Zone.
Fertilome Weed Free Zone can be applied with a pump sprayer or a hose end sprayer. You should not water this product in after application. In fact, do not apply if rainfall is expected within 4 hours as it may lessen its effectiveness.
Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone can be applied when weeds are actively growing every 2-6 weeks as needed. Please consult the product label for complete application instructions.
Instructions per the Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone label state after using this product, remove clothing and launder separately before reuse.
Yes, Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone should be diluted at the rate of 1.5-2 oz. per gallon of water and applied with a hand pump or backpack sprayer.
Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone can safely be applied to tall fescue and red fescue turf. This product cannot be applied to newly seeded lawns until after the second mowing, so that it will be well established and will not be harmed.