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Cindy from Middleton Idaho writes

Fungus on Black Hill spruce tree, too late in year to apply Bayer?


Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree and Shrub Potect and Feed II Granules is to treat for insect control.  We would recommend using a fungicide like Ferti-lome Liquid Systemic Fungicide II on your tree.  You will apply 1/2 to 3 tablespoons of Ferti-lome Liquid Systemic Fungicide II  per gallon of water for trees and shrubs. Fertilome Liquid Systemic Fungicide II is not labeled to be used as a systemic soil drench. If you are looking for a product to use that way we would recommend Monterey Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide. This can be used as a soil drench at the base of the tree, foliar spray, by soil incorporation, through basal bark treatment, and as a bare root dip. 

Answer last updated on: 06/28/2021

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