No, Fusilade II Herbicide should not be applied to areas where edibles are or will be planted.
Fusilade is not labeled to be used to kill fescue at all. Your best bet is a Roundup/glyphosate based product or another non selective herbicide to spot treat and reseed the areas with the desirable turf.
Yes, a non ionic surfactant is recommended to be tank mixed with Fusilade II Herbicide to increase effectiveness.
Fusilade II Herbicide is not meant to harm Zoysia grass and can help control crabgrass if applied as directed.
Fusilade II Herbicide is not labeled to be used on buffalo grass. We would recommend contacting your local cooperative extension office to see what you can use in your buffalo grass to kill bermudagrass. Most of the products that we carry can be used on both types of turf, so this would not be helpful to you.
Fusilade II Herbicide works fast, moving quickly into the shoots, roots, rhizomes, stolons and growing points of any of the listed treated plants. It should only be applied as directed for the control of grass weeds in landscape areas, roadsides, nurseries, greenhouses, flower beds, groundcovers, interiorscapes, parks, sports fields, golf courses, commercial and residential areas.
Per manufacturer: Fusilade II works best when applied to the green foliage of actively growing grassy weeds. Cool season turfgrass sod has the best chance of success when laid on a prepared bare soil area, so there shouldn’t be any plant cover present, weeds or turf. If prepared properly, there should not be a need to apply Fusilade II until grassy weeds appear in the new established sod. There would be no weed control benefit to applying Fusilade II to bare soil prior to sodding.
Fusilade II can only be used to remove bermuda grass from Tall Fescue and Zoysia Grass when used at reduced rates.
Fusilade II Herbicide can be applied over the Acalypha but the label does not state Dianell. Be sure to make the application toward the ground and not directly on the leaves.
Fusilade II Herbicide is not labeled for use in pastures so would not be recommended. You can use Pastora Herbicide to treat foxtails in tall fescue pastures at the rate of 1.0 ounce/acre. Please review the product label for more information before applying.
Fusilade II Herbicide is labeled for the suppression and/or control of Common Bermudagrass and Hybrid Bermudagrass. Please be sure to review the product label for more information and complete application instructions.
Fusilade II Herbicide can only be tank mixed with other herbicides that would also require a surfactant. Speedzone does not mention needing one and most state that adding one can reduce selectivity on turfgrass. Be sure that you are following the most restrictive product labeling.
The time it takes Fusilade II to kill weeds depends on a few different variables such as the specific weed you are targeting, the outside temperature, as well as the ground temperature. Generally, it can take up to 2 weeks to start seeing desired results. You want to apply when no rain is expected within 24 hours.
Fusilade II Herbicide is safe to apply to a variety of flowers, to be sure your established flowers will tolerate an application of this product, you can find a list of these on pages 9 - 29 of the product label. If you're planning to plant more flowers or seed, you can do so 30 days after an application of Fusilade II Herbicide.
Fusilade II Herbicide can be used on columbine and lilac as well as other ornamentals, unfortunately peonies were not on the label. Please review the product label for a full list.
Fusilade II Herbicide can be used to treat bermudagrass in zoysia, tall fescue and fine fescue lawns only.
Unfortunately there is not a selective herbicide available that would kill the Bermuda without also harming the St. Augustine & Centipede since they are so closely related. It is recommended to spot treat the areas of bermudagrass with a non selective like Roundup QuickPro and then after 2 weeks resod or reseed the areas with St. Augustine or Centipede.
Fusilade II Herbicide can be used to control torpedograss though it may take up to 3 applications to gain control. Apply using a hand pump sprayer along with a Non Ionic Surfactant for best results.
Please read the Fusilade II product label for complete usage instructions.
Fusilade II Herbicide is not labeled to be used in lawns unless targeting bermudagrass from fescue and zoysiagrass turfgrass. This product is primarly for treating grassy weeds in landscape beds, ornamentals, flowers and shrubs.
Unfortuanately, there is not anything specifically labeled to eradicate centipedegrass in cool seaons lawns however using a product like Triclopyr that is labeled safe for Kentucky Bluegrass and advised not to use on warm season turfgrass such as Centipede could help eradicate it.
Fusilade II Herbicide is labeled to be applied around Ponderosa Pines and Oriental Arborvitae which is listed as Thuga, Berkmans (thuja orientalis) on the product label.
Per the product label, apply Fusilade II at 16-24 fl oz/A (0.4 – 0.6 fl oz/1,000 sq ft) along with a non ionic surfactant in sufficient amount of water for thorough coverage.
Please view the product label for a full list of tolerant ornamentals and more important information.
While Fusilade II Herbicide is labeled for removing Bermudagrass only in Tall Fescue and Zoysia lawns, it could be damaging to your sun and shade mix as it contains bluegrass, ryegrass, and fescue.
Acclaim Extra can be used to suppress bermudagrass and should be applied when the bermudagrass is coming out of dormancy, green and beginning to grow. Repeat applications at 28 to 35 days for multiple applications will be needed for suppression of bermudagrass.
Please revew the full product label for application rates and more information.