Giant Destroyer evaluation
By Max on 10/30/2015
I have a house on 200 acres, and I mow about 25 acres around the house. That 25 acres houses at least 100 moles which, because of digging up the ground, make mowing hard on my back and the equipment. Fighting moles for a long time makes me a local expert. Giant destroyer provides a good temporary solution but the efectivenes depends on the person's knowledge of moles' habits. The moles make two types of tunels. The TRANSPORT tunels are several inches in diameter and have smooth internal walls when active. They are used to help moles to go from their nests to the feeding tunels, where they feed on worms and insects. The moles only eat live prey and poisoned products are a waste of money. The moles are very smart about choosing locations for their nests and will only dig them below protected areas, between the tree roots, under concrete or any other cover. For Giant to be effective, first identify the active transport tunnels. They are raised above the surface. Stick your finger into it and feel that the sides are smooth. Do not squash any. When these tunels are identified, look if they point toward a protected areas where a nest is located. If you find it, get as close to the nest as you can, feel the tunnel again and find out in which direction it goes. Now light the Giant fuse and stick the bomb as far in the tunnel as far you can push it, hopefully in the direction of the nest. Now cover the hole you made so no smoke can escape. If you find out a good transfer tunnel there will be no return of the smoke toward you. If the tunnel is inactive or blocked the smoke will come back at you and you have wasted your effort. If the tunnels are still active, I have seen that smoke spreading through lateral tunnels as much as 10 feet away from the Giant. Hopefully the smoke is involving the nest, but moles commonly have two exists from their nest and it will be possible that one ventillation tunel may still be open. After you think that the smoke may have entered the nest, re-examine the area a few days later for new activity. If present, renew the procedure at a slightly different location. GOOD LUCK
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139 of 142 people found this review helpful
Great at discouraging gophers, but there is a cheaper option
By Joe on 03/30/2012
These make lots of foul smelling smoke. It doesn't seem to kill many gophers, but everywhere that the smoke reaches they back-fill the tunnels. Yeah, it's not a great solution for the neighbors, but it's far better to have them move on that using poison which will kill things like lizards and frogs (both of which are very sensitive to toxins) and things we want helping control the bugs and pests. Also, those little colored smoke bombs you get from the vendors around the 4th of July work great - they're very small and easy to light and plop down a hole (be sure to cover it, naturally). The last time I got some, they were a dollar for a package of 6. They will smoke out and dissuade about a 10X20 area. Not very effective by themselves, but cheap enough to toss half a dozen down holes in one day. :) The smoke is much smellier due to the powdered dye in it than the Giant Destroyer and seems to be quite a bit more effective at getting them to leave the area. After a while, the soil will simply taste bad to them and they'll not come back. As a plus, they are far less of a health concern as the smoke isn't toxic and won't hurt your plants. Plus, it's easy to see where the smoke is coming out of or spreading to as it's brightly colored. Perhaps the cheapest anti-vermin trick I know of.
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55 of 57 people found this review helpful
Definitely worth a try
By Ed on 08/11/2010
I used the Giant Destroyer about 2 weeks ago and have not seen any mole activity since. The down side of using a product like this or poison pellets or worms is that you don't see the dead mole and therefore only have to assume you were successful based on how soon you see new "activity". I used the Talpirid mole traps and successfully nailed 3 moles. Therefore, I give 5 stars to the Talpirid mole trap. Other products I have used, and there were many, were a waste of time and money. Always follow the directions carefully.
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29 of 30 people found this review helpful
Gopher problem
By Bob on 03/25/2011
We live in a sandy soil area and gophers are everywhere. I tried sonic repelling (somewhat effective, but only for small areas), traps (no luck), poison (slow enough that you can't be sure you got them) and Giant Destroyer. I prefer the Giant Destroyer to all other methods tried because it is fast, easy to use and inexpensive. They burn hot and the gas is designed to kill so safety precautions obviously need to be taken but the instructions on the packages are good. In at least two trials the gophers successfully blocked the tunnels from the gas so try to trap them between two gassers simultaneously. Otherwise, if new mounds soon appear, the gas missed him or it is another critter.
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23 of 24 people found this review helpful
Giant Destroyer
By Anonymous on 08/31/2013
Back Yard Battle Field with Gophers
By Michael on 09/18/2011
Giant Destroyer
By Ken on 07/29/2014
I've tried everything to get rid of moles and voles. Poison worms, chewing gum, mothballs, and traps. My yard had so many tunnels that I got my car stuck in the front yard. They were tunneling under my foundation. Great improvement are noticeable now. I live in a heavily wooded area and Giant Destroyer is doing the trick. I am winning the battle.
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16 of 16 people found this review helpful
Giant Destroyer Mole Killers
By Anonymous on 06/05/2013
work well
By Anonymous on 07/08/2013
These work well, although it takes patience and persistence as you won't wipe out a whole colony of moles in one treatment. The good news is that they do kill moles and don't leave behind toxic materials that can harm pets. Do My Own Pest has the best prices anywhere!
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10 of 10 people found this review helpful
Discourage burrowing beasts!
By Tom on 07/24/2011
I use these to discourage voles. (We live on the edge of some woodland lots with all kinds of critters.) The product poisons the air in burrows below the surface. It looks like a little dynamite stick. You light the fuse, pop it into the hole (all the way!), then cover it quickly because sulfurous fumes begin fast. Smoke probably will seep upwards, suggesting the fires of hell are beneath. Is this product so absolutely completely effective that the voles never return? No. Voles feed on grubs, so treat the area for grubs. But I find these "destroyers" are a great short-term way to encourage the critters to move on.
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6 of 7 people found this review helpful
By Tim on 11/17/2017
Smoke 'Em Out
By Scott on 06/14/2015
Simple and effective
By John on 09/04/2014
I use the product on a golf course, as a safer alternative to the difficult-to-obtain aluminum phosphide fumigant, to control squirrels and gophers. As a stand alone product for a large area it will not excel but as a part of a greater IPM strategy it works quite well. Nearly any employee can use it safely (don't forget to have a fire extinguisher handy) with little worry of harm to customers, employees, or the property.
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4 of 4 people found this review helpful
smelly but effective
By Lorinda on 10/09/2012
I use these bombs for voles and ground squirrels in my gardens and lawns. We also have dogs and grazing animals so we don't use poison pellets or traps. I found they work more effectively when I use a hand-held (in my case Makita) blower to blow the smoke further and faster into the burrows.
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4 of 5 people found this review helpful
smoke bombs
By Anonymous on 06/04/2013
does it kill?
By Anonymous on 07/27/2013
out of 8 smoke bombs seems only 5 worked some did not smoke much that I could see and the critters were back the next day some have stayed inactive. and we wonder if it killed those diggers on not. may try them again if the old runs stay inactive.
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3 of 4 people found this review helpful
get those moles
By Bill on 07/28/2014
Mole Again
By Scott on 07/16/2017
Ground Hog destroyer
By Frank on 09/25/2017
I have ground hogs terrible in a creek bank that is covered with broken concrete chunks. That is a perfect home from ground hogs. The Giant Destroyer is the only product that will eliminate these pests. I've learned to use 2 gassers in each hole rather than one. I would say it has a 75% success rate the first time you gas their hole.
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2 of 2 people found this review helpful
great product
By Sol on 11/26/2012
Measured success-Buy enough
By Mario on 11/08/2012
I've had recurring gopher intrusions in my yards for years. I was content to drive over the mounds as retaliation. Not this year! My Bro-in-law showed up with a single 4-pk. They actually worked on a few. They then returned like pimples on a teens face. That is when I sought out GD in numbers. DMOPC had the best pricing on the case. I received them and have attacked on all fronts. They have dwindled if not outright retreated. Works fine but get MORE than enough. Don't go by mound count treble or quadruple your worst mounds in "sticks" of GD. Good luck!
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
'The Bomb'
By Charles on 08/01/2012
I'm somewhat of an obsessive when it comes to chasing down the moles I have in the yard. I try to get at them when the tunnels and excavation piles are fresh. These 'destroyers' do the job as long as one is diligent in going after the moles / gophers quickly and soon after creation.
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Gopher Bombs
By Rollo on 02/10/2013
Stupid Moles
By Scott on 05/30/2012
Looking for a better price and availability than from local Home Depot or Lowe's, I went online and located 'DoMyOwnPestControl.' At Home Depot these cost about $7.89 for a packet of (4) and here they are about $4.84 for a packet of (4) gassers for a difference of about $3.05. The package arrived in a timely manner and in good shape.
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
By Gregory on 03/22/2012
I purchased a case of Giant Destroyer in the hopes of putting an end to a nearly year long battle with rodents. After using only half of the case my problems have finally been solved. Victory is mine! Smart animals can avoid traps & poisons but they can't outsmart these agents.
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Gopher Kill
By Mr on 11/12/2017
As a Pro trapper here in Florida, I have been using a Cinch Traps to trap Gophers , Now Moles I use Worms..after a week moles are gone, Some things a Gopher can tie me up for weeks and not come to the trap. I started to smoke the hard old ones..To find they plug the hole up after the smoke clears, I open up the hole ,(smelling the gas)place a Cinch trap and then i get him on the second try, Now a one step & one day operation i have the trap ready, place the bomb in the hole quickly put the set trap in the hole and with in an hour the half dazed gopher is in the trap. If you have moles coming from the neighbors, spread mole repellent around you fence line.that will keep then next door, if they get back in your yard, then smoke them.
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Pretty Darn Effective
By Skip on 09/24/2021
While this product is not perfect it seems to be the best for me over several years. Initially I tried different products and then settled on Gian Destroyer. Then for unknown reason it became unavailable. Thank you for getting it back in stock. This time I ordered extra in case..... The hardest part of use is actually finding the gopher burrow so the gas will penetrate. Not perfect, but I prefer it over others.
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
The Best Gasser
By Roy on 10/20/2021
I have found this to be the best mole gasser on the market. The smoke discharge last the longest by far. My only concern is that I don't know if I kill the moles or not. And, unfortunately, the mole activity eventually continues in many places.
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Giant Destroyer
By Steve on 12/30/2016
Best price good option
By Jo on 12/11/2016
We have so many gophers not sure we can ever get rid of them. We even hired a professional for $500, and that lasted maybe a month. FOr that price we are able to use a combination of gas, bait and castor beans to obtain some control. DO My Own has THE BEST PRICE for this product.
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful