Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide

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Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide

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4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.7

15 Reviews | 79 Q&A

Product Overview

Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide is a selective post-emergent systemic herbicide that will provide excellent control over unwanted grasses in and around groundcovers, shrubs, trees, landscape beds, container yards and grower nursery fields. It’s a specially formulated liquid herbicide that uses Fluazifop-P-butyl as its active ingredient to help control unwanted annual grasses and perennial grasses, including panicum, crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail, sandbur, barnyardgrass, bermudagrass, quackgrass, torpedograss, and johnsongrass. It also offers selective removal of bermudagrass without injury to tall fescue or zoysia turf. It can treat a majority of ornamentals on the label with “over-the-top” application. It may be used around newly-ermeging plants as well as transplants and it guarantees fast and efficient action. Comes with a 4 oz. bottle of surfactant.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Fluazifop-P-butyl 6.75%
Target pests Barnyardgrass, Crabgrass (large & smooth), Foxtails, Goosegrass, Prairie Cupgrass, Wild Oats, Witchgras and others
* See label for complete list
For use in In and around groundcovers, shrubs, trees, landscape beds, container yards and grower nursery fields
Application 64 - 96 oz. per 25 gallons of water per acre (use a Non-Ionic Surfactant)
* Use a Surfactant to Increase Effectiveness
* See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label
Formulation Professional Product
VT (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only)
Parts Included 4 oz. bottle of surfactant
Shipping Weight 2.50 lbs
Manufacturer PBI Gordon Corporation (Mfg. Number: 7781086)
UPC 070251778867
EPA Registration 2217-728



Do not apply ORNAMEC herbicide if rainfall is expected within 1 hour.

ALWAYS ADD A NONIONIC SURFACTANT containing at least 75% surface wetting agent at 0.25% vol./vol. (8 fl. oz. per 25 gallons) of finished spray volume.


Mix ORNAMEC and only a nonionic surfactant with water according to the amounts shown below. Spray to obtain thorough coverage, but do not spray to runoff. Re-treat if necessary.


  • Use 64 to 96 fl. oz. of ORNAMEC herbicide per acre and 0.25% vol./vol. (8 fl. oz. per 25 gallons) of a nonionic surfactant. For perennial grasses, use 96 fl. oz. of ORNAMEC per acre per application and three applications will be needed.
  • Spray to obtain thorough coverage of grass foliage, but not to runoff. Repeat treatments may be necessary to provide full season control.
  • Use standard pesticide hollow cone or flat fan nozzles.
  • Apply ORNAMEC herbicide to actively growing grasses before they exceed the recommended growth stages shown below.
  • Do not apply ORNAMEC herbicide to grasses which are stressed due to moisture, temperature, low soil fertility, mechanical or chemical injury.
  • Do not apply to grasses which have tillered, formed seedheads, or exceeded recommended growth stages.
  • Apply ORNAMEC herbicide when the first grass species in a mixed grass weed population reaches the recommended growth stage for treatment.

ORNAMEC may also be used to suppress and eventually control some undesirable grasses in turf areas. To control common bermudagrass and hybrid bermudagrass, follow the directions below:

Bermudagrass Control in Zoysiagrass:

Late Spring: Apply 12 to 16 fluid ounces of this product per acre with a nonionic surfactant. This application should be made around June 1 and repeated at 28 to 30 days. For spot treatments use 0.3 fluid ounce (2 teaspoons) of this product and 0.3 fluid ounce (2 teaspoons) of nonionic surfactant in one gallon of water to treat 1,000 square feet.

Mid Summer:During hot summer weather use 16 to 20 fluid ounces of product per acre with a nonionic surfactant. For spot treatments use 0.4 fluid ounces (2.5 teaspoons) of this product and 0.3 fluid ounce (2 teaspoons) of nonionic surfactant in one gallon of water to treat 1,000 square feet. NOTE: The 20 fluid ounce rate could cause temporary turf discoloration.

Late Summer: When bermudagrass is preparing for dormancy use 8 to 12 fluid ounces of this product per acre with a nonionic surfactant. For spot treatments use 0.25 fluid ounces (1.5 teaspoons) of this product with 0.3 fluid ounce (2 teaspoons) of nonionic surfactant in one gallon of water to treat 1,000 square feet.

Bermudagrass Control in Tall Fescue:

Apply 20 to 24 fluid ounces of product per acre. For spot treatment use 0.5 fluid ounce (1 tablespoon) of this product with 0.3 fluid ounce (2 teaspoons) of nonionic surfactant in one gallon of water to treat 1,000 square feet. The first application should be made in early spring (April/May) when bermudagrass is breaking dormancy.The second application should be during September/October when bermudagrass is preparing for dormancy. Applications during the hot months of summer should be avoided.

NOTE: This application will show slight discoloration to desirable turfgrass. Desirable grasses should recover within 10 to 14 days. Weather and cultural treatments can also affect applications. Use a minimum spray volume of 30 gallons of water per acre.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Fine product, fine service

    By Tom on 09/15/2015

    Bought this to knock down bermuda in a tall fescue lawn. Very quick acting, very pleased. On another note, shipment arrived having leaked out of bottle, through packaging, and the USPS had contained it in a plastic bag. I lost about 1/3 of the product. When I notofied DMOPC about it, they had another in shipment that same day, gratis. Very fine service, much appreciated.

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    36 of 36 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product

    By Dan on 12/06/2015

    Tried a couple of other products that did not work. Although this takes a few days to actually see it working, you can see the bermuda drying up and dying without hurting my zoysia grass. Great product. Applied as directed with gallon sprayer.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Kill Bermuda

    By T. on 10/15/2016

    Best yet. Slow but sure. Use on fescue early spring and spot all the time. Might take two years to get all of the bermuda

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Superb Product

    By Michael on 05/13/2018

    Used the product in my ornamental flower beds and boy! I'm so thrilled by the results of what I'm seeing, the grass is dying back and my ornamentals are doing superb! I cannot tell you how terrified I was to use this product at first: it has a very offensive odor when you open the bottle and to be honest this stuff intimidates me a bit...but boy did is it working! My only issues are the initial smell and the cost. It's exspensive...but I have to say it's worth the cost when I can use it in my flower beds without issue to my ornamentals. Thank you!

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    21 of 21 people found this review helpful

  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Still waiting

    By Doug on 06/16/2016

    I measured off my yard according to directions and applied the chemical in 1000 sq ft areas as directions stated. I have a few areas where the Bermuda grass is dying but some areas look healthy and seem to be thriving. I'm waiting another week to see if anything starts to happen in those areas before I can be sure that the Oramec is working as expected. As expected, it has yellowed my fescue lawn, add drought conditions and high temperatures to that, my yard looks horrible now. If this will control the Bermuda grass, I'll live with that side affect until it starts raining again.

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    13 of 17 people found this review helpful

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Questions & Answers

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How long must I wait after spraying Gordons Ornamec Over-The- Top Grass Herbicide for bermudagrass in fescue before I can overseed the areas that were sprayed?

The Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide label states the following in regards to treating for bermudagrass in tall fescue: Allow time (up to 24 hours) for this product to be absorbed and translocated before mowing the treated area.  Wait 14 days before re-seeding treated areas of tall fescue. 

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72 of 77 people found this answer helpful

I have a 1/3 acre yard with tall Fescue that has Bermuda mixed in. How would I mix this in a 2 gallon sprayer?
If you are wanting to control bermudagrass in tall Fescue grass, you will use 0.3 fl. oz. of Gordons Ornamec Over the Top Grass Herbicide and 0.3 fl. oz. of non-ionic surfactant in at least a gallon of water. This will cover 1000 sq. ft. In 2 gallons of water, you will use 0.6 fl. oz of Gordons Ornamec Over the Top Grass Herbicide and 0.3 fl. oz of non-ionic surfactant. When using herbicides, it is important that you use the right amount of product per 1000 sq. ft. Water is just a carrier.

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44 of 48 people found this answer helpful

What is the shelf life of Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide?

I have a 20 x 20 ft. approx area of Bermuda I tried to kill with Roundup. lokks like I need something more serious like this. How long is the shelf life on Ornamec?


According to the manufacturer, the shelf life on most liquid herbicides all depends on how they are stored. If the product has been tightly sealed and kept out of sunlight and extreme temperatures, the shelf life is 3-5 years. 

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Will Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide kill monkey grass?

The product label for Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide states that it can be applied to liriope (another name for monkey grass), meaning that it is safe to apply to that type of vegetation and should not harm it.  

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34 of 36 people found this answer helpful

Can I use Ornamec in an ornamental perennial garden?

I have a variety of perennials such as sun and daylilies, lucifer tongue, Luine, Shasta daisies, echinacea, chicks and hens, ornamental and asiatic lilies, and all sorts of hardy succulents, creeping and tall phlox, spiderwort, dianthus, Siberian iris and bearded iris uses, along with hostas. I'm having a very hard time getting rid of the grass that's growing in my beds and wanted to know if your product would be safe to use on these plants?


Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide is a great choice for treatment of grassy weeds in established ornamental beds. Many of the plants you have listed are on the "full tolerant" species list on the product label.  For those not listed, you may want to test a small number of plants or avoid spraying over the top of thos plants.

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Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide 4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.7 (15 Reviews / 79 Q&A)

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