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Tiger from Australia writes

Great idea. Why Does the Packtite Closet Bed Bug Heater System take so long?

If a steam machine can hit a bug at 180 degrees and kill it or the eggs on a mattresses and essentially treat a room, why us your product so inconveniently slow? Concept is perfect, but timing is everything!!!! . Why does everything have to sit so long in there? Surely a few mins is fine no?


A few minutes is not fine. You must put the items in the Packtite for the recommended amount of time because the heat must penetrate all of the items to kill the bedbugs and their eggs. For instance if you put a bundle of clothes in the packtite and only leave them for a couple of minutes and only the outer layers of the clothing had a chance to heat up, any eggs or bedbugs within the inner layers of clothing could potentially survive.

Answer last updated on: 12/29/2012

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