We apologize but the Headway G Fungicide Granules does not have your specific spreader on the label. We recommend the following:
If your spreader settings go from 1 to 10 (1 letting out the least and 10 letting out the most) you typically want to be around a 3 setting. If your spreader goes from 1 to 20, you should probably be around a 6 or 7 setting. The goal is to just run out of product when you are done walking the 1000 square feet. One person may walk faster than someone else, so they may place It on a higher setting than someone that walks slower.
Almost all fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, etc have treatments in amounts of so much product per 1000 square feet. So if you can figure out what your walking speed is then you know anytime you apply any product that calls for so much of it per 1000 square feet, you always set your spreader on this setting. You can calibrate this by marking off a 1000 square foot (10 x 100) area and placing 4 ounces of any type of product of similar granule size, or of the extinguish in the spreader. Start with a low setting and start walking your marked off area at a normal pace. You can adjust as you go and find the basic setting for you to apply the product over a 1000 square feet.
The rate for Necrotic Ringspot is 2 to 2.5 lbs per 1000 sq ft.
Headway G Fungicide Granules is applied for prevention of pythium blight. Begin applications before disease is present. During periods of prolonged favorable conditions, treat on the 10-day application interval. For use on newly seeded as well as established turf.
We apologize, but we don't have the exact spreader setting for your model spreader. The easiest way to determine the correct setting you need to apply Headway G is outlined below:
If you need to use 3.6lbs of product per 1,000 sq ft you would add 3.6 lb of product to spreader, start with a medium setting, then apply product to a 20 x 50 ft area (1,000 sq ft). If you have product left, your setting is too low. If you run out of product, your setting is too high.
Headway G Fungicide Granules cannot be used over anything edible. Best to keep applications at least 10 feet away from fruits and vegetables and outside the dripline.
Headway G Fungicide Granules should only be applied to turf on golf courses, lawns and landscape areas around residential, institutional, public, commercial and industrial buildings, parks, recreational areas and athletic fields not trees. We do offer Garden Tech Daconil Fungicide and it kills and prevents more than 80 types of plant diseases including leaf spot and blight. Please refer to the product label for the disease you are targeting and complete mixing and application instructions.
If you have an active case of fungus like brown patch, we would advise to go ahead and treat the whole lawn with Headway G Fungicide Granules.
Headway G Fungicide Granules can be applied to established residential St. Augustine turfgrass. Please view the product label for rates based on the disease you are treating.
No, Headway G Fungicide Granules will not effect mushrooms. Generally speaking when mushrooms are present it's because you have too much moisture in your lawn and you need to dry it out. Avoid watering your turf if you are on a watering schedule. You may need to remove the mushrooms by hand, but to keep them from coming back you need to dry out the soil. You will need to do a core aeration in your lawn and we would recommend cutting back limbs that may be causing too much shade over your lawn.
We are not aware of any products to treat for mushrooms in lawns. You may contact your local cooperative extension office and get the mushroom identified and the master gardener on staff should be able to tell you what will work to eliminate the type of mushroom you are dealing with.
Headway G Fungicide Granules is applied at 2-4 lbs/1,000 sq ft depending on targeted disease in the turf. Do not apply more than 19.2 lb. product/1000 sq. ft./calendar year.
Please view the full product label for rates based on the disease you are targeting.
You can apply Headway G Fungicide Granules at least 14 days after using Bio Advance Fungicide.
Yes, the Headway G Fungicide Granules bag is vacuum-sealed closed. When you open the bag, the seal will be released and the granules will be loose.
Unfortunately, we do not have the spreader settings for that specific combo, and since the manufacturer does not list that spreader on their bag we are unsure what the exact setting would be. Due to the thousands of granules on the market and just as many different types of spreaders, there isn't a master list that exists. You may want to try calling the manufacturer of your spreader or the chemical itself directly, to see if anyone on their staff has that info. Otherwise, you will want to calibrate your spreader to the product you are using and its application rates. You can see a short video on how to accomplish this below.
How to Calibrate your Spreader
Headway G Fungicide Granules is labeled for fusarium. Please see the product label here or full application instructions.
You normally apply a fungicide like Headway before signs of the disease common to occur in your lawns starts to be present as long as the ground is not frozen. If you typically get a disease in the lawn every may, for example, then you would want to put down the headway a few weeks before the time it normally presents itself in your lawn, and continue reapplying at the appropriate intervals per the product label for that disease to keep it at bay. You may also want to consult your Master Gardener for the appropriate application time in your area.
Yes, you can damage your lawn if you over-apply Headway G Fungicide Granules. The rate you use will depend on the fungus you are dealing with. Please refer to the product label for the exact rate you need.
Headway G Fungicide Granules should be applied at the rates specified on the product label, and should not be applied at rates that exceed 19.2 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. per year.
Typically rotating fungicides after 2-3 applications is recommended to prevent resistance. The days between applications and number of sequential treatments recommended is based off the product label of each fungicide. Please view our article A Beginner's Guide to Fungicides. for more information.