Hi-Yield Pecan and Fruit Tree Fertilizer 12-4-4 should be applied in the spring before new growth starts and again in the fall after harvest for best results.
Hi-Yield Pecan and Fruit Tree Fertilizer 12-4-4 should be applied in the spring before new growth starts and again in the fall after harvest for best results. Please review the product label for application instructions.
The rate to apply Hi-Yield Pecan and Fruit Tree Fertilizer 12-4-4 is 1/2 lb. per 1/2 inch of tree diameter around tree drip line. So if you have a 2-inch diameter tree you will need to put down 2 lbs to the dripline of that tree.
Hi-Yield Pecan and Fruit Tree Fertilizer 12-4-4 should be applied in the spring before new growth starts and again in the fall after harvest. Apply uniformly to soil surface beneath trees to the widest spread of branches. Apply at least 12 inches from the tree trunk. Click HERE to view the product label.
Hi-Yield Pecan and Fruit Tree Fertilizer 12-4-4 should be applied at 1/2 lb. per 1/2 inch of tree diameter around tree drip line. Please view the product label for more information.
Hi-Yield Pecan and Fruit Tree Fertilizer 12-4-4 rates will vary depending on the trunk diameter at breast height (3-4 ft above ground) You will apply fertilizer atleast 12 inches out from the trunk to the soil.
Please refer the application chart on page 2 of the product label based on individual tree diameter for rates.
The rate for Hi-Yield Pecan and Fruit Tree Fertilizer 12-4-4 is dependent on your tree size. For 7 inches and over, you will apply 2 lbs per inch of trunk in diameter. If you have a 10-inch trunk, you will need 20 lbs of product.
Please refer to the product label for more information or contact your County Extension Office for their advise on options for successful fruit production on your pecan trees.
Hi-Yield Pecan and Fruit Tree Fertilizer 12-4-4 is not labeled for applications to blueberries, but you could consider using Ferti-Lome Acid Loving Water Soluble Plant Food 31-11-11 instead, which can be applied to blueberries, if used as directed on the label.