Horsepower Selective Herbicide is applied at 0.73 to 1.10 fluid ounces in 0.5 to 5.5 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet. Please refer to the product label for complete instructions on dilution and application.
Horsepower Selective Herbicide will not eradicate crabgrass and dallisgrass in Fescue as it targets broadleaf weeds.
Lesser celandine is a very difficult plant to control, and you will probably have to use a non-selective herbicide such as RoundUp QuikPro? to spot treat it carefully. This article has more information about cultural control of this weed.
Horsepower Selective Herbicide is not labeled for applications to pastures. We recommend that you consult with your Dept of Ag for an alternate recommendation.
Horsepower Selective Herbicide is labeled to eradicate horsenettle and horseweed but not labeled for pastures. We recommend that you consult with the Dept of Ag for an alternate recommendation.