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Kevin from Somerset Ky writes

4 hours after applying Strobe 50WG Fungicide, it down poured in my area. Do I need to reapply?


The product label states to ensure runoff doesn’t occur following an application of Strobe 50WG Fungicide, it is best to have 48 hours before any expected rainfall or irrigation occurs. The only exception to that is if treating Spring Dead Spot as the label requires the application to be watered in with ¼ to ½ inch of irrigation immediately following the application. If the amount of rainfall you had was enough to cause significant puddling or cause water runoff/drainage from the treated area, then we would recommend doing another application 7 days from the inital date you applied. If there was not significant puddling or water runoff/drainage, you should be fine.  

Answer last updated on: 08/13/2021

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Strobe 50WG Fungicide

Strobe 50WG Fungicide

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