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Matt from Greenville, Nc writes

How can I kill crabgrass in Centipedegrass?

I have centipede grass in Eastern NC and a real problem with crabgrass. I've tried atrazine but have had no luck. Trying to stay away from quinclorac as everything I read says not to use in centipede lawns. Is there anything I cant get that will kill it- post emergent. Once we get to dormancy this winter (January) I plan on putting down prodiamine to hopefully combat it from a pre emergent stance.


As you probably know, Centipedegrass is a very sensitive species of turf so many products that eliminate the crabgrass and other weeds can also cause damage to your lawn. Tenacity is a great pre- and post-emergent herbicide that will control crabgrass along with many other types of weeds without harming your centipede lawn. Make sure to read the Tenacity label very carefully and mix exactly what is recommended as this is a strong product and mis-using it can cause temporary turf injury. When applying Tenacity it is highly recommended to use a temporary turf colorant like Turf Mark Blue to allow you to see where you are spraying. Overlapping your application of Tenacity can cause temporary whitening of the lawn as well, but the color will return in 3-4 weeks at most. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Answer last updated on: 05/24/2018

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