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Tanya from Fresno, Ca writes

How can we treat carpenter ants nesting inside our walls?

We have carpenter ants nesting in our walls in our kitchen and dining room. The baseboards are currently off, as we are tiling the rooms. Could Termidor SC be used in the opening between the floor and baseboards to eliminate the carpenter ants in their nests? What other products could work effectively?


You can use Termidor SC indoors for carpenter ants in wall voids only. You cannot spray the baseboards or anywhere else in your home. You will need to spray directly into the wall void by drilling small holes in the wall. Other products that work effectively indoors would be Phantom Aerosol or carpenter ant baits like Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel or Advance Carpenter Ant Bait both of which are sold in our Carpenter Ant Bait Kit #1.

Answer last updated on: 01/05/2012

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