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Thomas from Burlington writes

How do I get rid of 13 strip ground squirrels?

I have a dog and do not want to use something that she could dig up. She has been digging up moles in the yard.


If you want to bait for ground squirrels, then you would need to use the bait in tamper resistant stations so that dogs or other non-target animals would not have access to the bait. We do sell Wilco Ground Squirrel Bait and Bait Stations. (This bait is registered only in select Western states.) The Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap would be a great option for you since it will hold up to 12 squirrels at a time.

Answer last updated on: 05/22/2016

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Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap

Wilco Ground Squirrel Trap

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