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Timothy from Birmingham writes

How do you apply the glue in the Catchmaster Bulk Glue Can?


The instructions for the different applications of Catchmaster Bulk Glue are as follows: Directions for Room Temperature Application: Wear gloves then dip both hand and scissors into soapy water to prevent glue from sticking. Pull out the desired amount of glue from container and use scissors to snip excess back into container. Place glue on plastic trays, foil, cardboard and other intended applications. Spread glue with putty knife or hands to fill trap area depth of 1/4" for rats and 1/8" for mices and insects. Directions for Hot Application: *USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN HANDLING HOT GLUE SUBSTANCE. SIMILAR BEHAVIOR TO HOT OIL. USE HEAT RESISTANCE GLOVES, PROTECTIVE EYEWARE AND FACE GUARD RECOMMENDED. Open container. Place container in oven or hot plate. Heat slowly, bringing temperature to 250 F. Stir glue occasionally for 1-2 hours. Do not exceed 2 hours, burning will occur. Remove container with heat resistant gloves and place on stable surface. Apply with putty knife.

Answer last updated on: 04/23/2017

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Catchmaster Bulk Glue Can

Catchmaster Bulk Glue Can

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