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Jimmy from Massachusetts writes

How long do I wait after reseeding/overseeding to apply Echelon 4SC Herbicide?

If I am reseeding and overseeding in September, when is it safe to use Echelon? Will it harm the new grass and will I be able to plant again the following September?


Because Echelon 4SC Herbicide contains both a pre-emergent and a post-emergent herbicide, you can use this product only on well-established turfgrass. That is usually seed that has been up for at least four weeks or been mowed twice, whichever is longer. Reseeding after using Echelon would need to be delayed for 3-6 months depending on the rate used and where you are located. There is a chart on page 5 of the product label here that gives those rates.

Answer last updated on: 06/21/2019

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Echelon 4SC Herbicide

Echelon 4SC Herbicide

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