Product Q&A

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Llove from Cypress writes

How long do I wait after spraying Demon Max in my kitchen to put away my items?

I sprayed the inside of my cabinets and drawers in my kitchen. How long before I can line the cabs and drawers and put away my cleaned dishes/pots n pans, silverware, etc? Prior to spraying I vacuumed and cleaned with Lysol antibacterial spray since I am not able to clean post spray.


When spraying Demon Max you would want wait the standard dryng time of 2-4 hours. Keep in mind that weather conditions play a part in this as well should you be in a high humidity area. Demon Max should only be used as a crack and crevice spray indoors and should not be applied to any food contact or food-handling surfaces.

Answer last updated on: 06/06/2016

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