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Lisa from Wheatridge, Co writes

How long does Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray to start working?

I have a small apartment and sprayed an entire can in my small living room and another can for rest of house. Fleas are jumping on my feet right after the product has dried.


Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray is not a contact kill and will leave a residual to kill fleas.  Fleas Treatments take repeat applications every 10-14 days along with consistent vacuuming. You should expect to do at least 3-4 treatments to eradicate fleas in the home. Vacuuming is very important as this will expedite the flea eggs to hatch and come into contact with the insecticide. We suggest vacuuming carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture before each treatment. Discard the vacuum contents immediately in trash bag and place in an outdoor container. In between treatments every 10-14, vacuum daily if possible but at least 3 days a week. Do not treat more than what is recommended on the label. The residual needs time to work and adult fleas that continue to land on the treated areas will be affected, just not instantly. Due to the reproductive cycle of fleas, repeat treatments are required to be able to affect every stage.  One can of Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray treats 2000 sq feet. It is important to NOT over treat using insecticides as this will hinder your results and not be effective. If you are treating a small apartment, the one can of Precor 20000 Plus Premise spray would be enough to fully treat for at least 2 -3 treatments. You are only spraying until the areas are slightly damp, not saturated. If there are any pets in the home, they will also need to be on topical flea medicine. Please take a moment to review our How to Treat for Fleas Guide 

Answer last updated on: 01/14/2019

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