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Ana writes

How many ounces of Remedy for a 4 gallon sprayer do I need?

I need to know how many oz of Remedy do I need for a four gallon sprayer to kill mesquite trees


The applicate rates for Remedy Ultra Herbicide states: 
Basal Bark: 20 to 30 gallons with oil to make 100 gallons and Spray Plant and Tree Trunks 12 to 15 inches from the ground until fully wet
Cut Stump: 20 to 30 gallons with oil to make 100 gallons and Spray the Root Collar area, Sides of the Stump, and the Outer Portion of the Cut Surface, until fully wet 

The application rates for 4 gallons of water would be:
Basal Bark: 0.8 to 1.2 gallons with oil to make 4 gallons 
Cut Stump: 0.8 to 1.2 gallons with oil to make 4 gallons 

Answer last updated on: 01/16/2021

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Remedy Ultra Herbicide

Remedy Ultra Herbicide

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