Brandon from Tolar, Tx writes
You would use 1.5 fl oz per acre using spray volumes of 20 to 80 gal/acre and pressures of 25 to 35 psi. For spot treating, or for treating smaller areas, the manufacturer recommends diluting the entire 1.5 oz bottle of Negate 37WG in a gallon of water first (not in your sprayer but in a separate container) since there are different sized prills in the concentrate. You would then use 3 oz of your mixed solution in at least 1 gallon of water per 1000 square feet. The remaining initial solution can be stored for 2-4 weeks. Just be sure you agitate the solution before mixing and re-applying. You can reapply on your dormant turf after 4 weeks if the target weeds are still present.
Answer last updated on: 03/24/2021