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Brad writes

How much water do I need to dilute one packet of Merit 75 WSP in for a lawn application?

I want to purchase Merit to treat for grubs, I am having a hard time understanding mixing instructions. It says one packet per 8250 sq.ft but How are we to measure or know how much water to mix etc.. If someone could clear that up it would be great. Thanks


The amount of water you use is up to you. The manufacturer recommends that you use an amount of water that is easy for you to handle and calculate. Water simply acts as a carrier and it is important that even distribution of the product is achieved. Thus, more water may be used if the applicator feels runoff will not occur and proper penetration of the root zone is achieved. It is recommended that you use at least 5-10 gallons of water per 1,000 sq ft. After the application is complete you can then go back and irrigate the area to help the product penetrate the root systems.

Answer last updated on: 10/14/2010

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