Lenworth from Jamaica writes
HI-Apply 2 to 6 pounds of Drexel Diuron 80 Herbicide per acre as a broadcast spray just before or immediately after planting but prior to weed emergence. Use 2 to 4 pounds per acre after harvesting the plant crop or ratoon crop (for first ratoon crop as well as subsequent ratoon crops) but before differentiation. For plant crop only, additional broadcast or interspace applications may be made prior to differentiation at 2 pounds per acre at intervals of not less than 2 months. Additional applications to plant crop may be made as needed to interspace only using 2 pounds per acre. Do not apply more than 12 pounds per acre as broadcast sprays nor more than 16 pounds total per acre per plant crop. Treated areas may be planted to pineapple or sugarcane 1 year after last application. FL: Apply 4 to 8 pounds per acre as a broadcast spray just before or immediately after planting, but prior to weed emergence. Use 4 pounds per acre after harvesting plant crop (for ratoon crop). For plant crop only, a second and third broadcast or interspace application may be made prior to differentiation at the rate of 2 pounds per acre at intervals of not less than 2 months. Additional applications to plant crop may be made as needed to interspace, only using 2 pounds per acre. Do not apply more than 3 broadcast sprays (maximum 12 pounds per acre) prior to differentiation, nor more than 16 pounds total per acre per plant crop. Treated areas may be planted to Pineapple or Sugarcane 1 year after last application. Puerto Rico: Apply 3.75 to 6.25 pounds per acre as a broadcast spray just before or immediately after planting, but prior to weed emergence. Application controls weeds such as Crabgrass, Crotalaria, Fall panicum, Foxtail, Goosegrass, Morningglory, Pigweed, Purslane and Sourgrass. Treated areas may be planted to Pineapple or Sugarcane 1 year after last application.
Answer last updated on: 05/01/2017