Product Q&A

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Shelley from Sacramento, Ca writes

How soon will you see results from the fleas and scratching after using ZoGuard Plus for Dogs?

Are treatments useless if bedding not washed?


ZoGuard Plus starts working usually within a few hours, but the fleas do have to bite the treated animal to die from the application. You can use a flea dip or a product like Capstar if you need instant treatment for a lot of fleas that are already on the animal. We always recommend that you treat the environment where fleas are present in addition to treating products approved for the animals. We have a great Indoor Flea Control Kit here. Sheets and blankets can be washed and dried, and other items like pet beds that cannot be washed can be treated with the spray in the Indoor Flea Kit or steamed. Please take a few moments to review our Flea Treatment Guide here.

Answer last updated on: 10/03/2019

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ZoGuard Plus For Dogs

ZoGuard Plus For Dogs

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